Tuesday, August 14, 2007


"You are who she was". Five little words. Yet their full impact set upon me as I read the words on my computer's screen. How could Ron have known? Silly you, he's a psychic!
I have known Ron for several years now, and quite frankly, he knows me better than any other person on this planet we call home. I first met him when he called the shop to order feathers. He's a wonderful craftsman in his own right, and we seemed to hit it off immediately. We share a great many things in our lives, but he has always been careful not to tell me what will happen in mine. Respecting this, I had asked him to regress me, to take me back. Strange things had been happening lately, and while I thought I knew what they meant, I desperately needed his confirmation. He agreed, and this is the story of that session. All he asked was how far back I wanted to go (19 generations -- 900 years), and what I wanted to know (who I was at that time). His reply was, "You are who she was". He told me that I was among the Sioux people, but that I was not Sioux. He told me that I was the Chosen One, and that I would change the lives of these wonderful people. He told me that my story would be passed down through the generations of these people, and that the gift that I carried to them would be held in the highest esteem.
I knew he was right. I had seen all of this many times over the last few weeks. He continued, telling me that I had a choice in this path; I could accept what would be a very dangerous, yet fulfilling life, or I could just simply walk away. I think it took me about two seconds to decide. I knew that people needed me, and that walking away was just not in my genes. Ron told me that I must speak with a medicine man, since there were many issues that would arise and I needed to know how to handle them. He also stressed that this medicine man must not know me personally. I finally found him, in White Cloud, MN. He is Blackfoot. I was told that I needed to send him a small lock of my hair, and that he would call me when he received it. He called about a week later, and his first words to me were, 'Calf Woman, it is my honor to speak with you'. We discussed the many things I needed to do to get myself ready to take this journey, and he told me that it was important that I continue to walk with my head held high (I had just re-met Bear at Terry's, and my confidence was building). I thanked this wonderful man, and started on my journey.
I have not always been a spiritual person, yet I have always known that I was different somehow. I had been giving of myself for many years now, but the remainder of my life will be exceptionally challenging. First, I am Anglo. Yet Talking Mouse, a young Paiute man, pointed out to me that I am more Native American than I think I am. Another young man, who is a descendant of Red Cloud (the great Sioux warrior), sought my spiritual guidance when he felt he could not speak with his family. It takes my breath away to remember all of the native people, from many different nations, who have asked that I help them. Next we come to the titles that have been given me; Holy Woman, Medicine Woman, and the one that I prefer, Healer. I do not wish to work with herbs. I do not know enough about them. I prefer to work with the insight that the Creator has given me. That insight, in itself, is enough to work wonders.
This story will continue. There are many events that need to be told. None of them can be spoken of briefly..........
Oh, yes. PtesanWi -- Lakota Sioux -- White Buffalo Calf Woman -- I am who She was

1 comment:

Tumbleweed said...

It is good to read the story, filling in gaps in between the cracks of time and things I had forgotten. Keep writing, my friend